About the Neurobiology Doctoral Students Workshop

The NeuroDoWo has been organized by doctoral candidates for over 30 years under the patronage of the German Zoological Society (Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, DZG) and German Neuroscience Society (Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.). Our aim is to reach early career scientists with a diverse neuroscientific background, from Germany and abroad. The conference promotes communication across disciplines and to allow young scientists to gain experience in presenting and discussing their research in a talk or with a scientific poster. The next NeuroDoWo will take place in Leipzig from the 20th to the 23rd of August 2024.

The NeuroDoWo 2022 is over

And just like that, the NeuroDoWo 2022 is over again. Thanks to all the speakers, to the sponsors ant to everyone who made this year's NeuroDoWo possible. Most of all we would like to thank all the amazing participants. Time and time again, you make the NeuroDoWo become a very special and stimulating moment in a young researcher's career!

Registration closes soon

The registration for this year's NeuroDoWo closes on April 30th at 23:59 pm. There are only 5 days left. Don’t forget to register in time! Join as to an exciting NeuroDoWo with interesting talks, posters and people from every area of Neuroscience.

Prof. Dr. Albena Jordanova is Keynote Speaker at the NeuroDoWo

We are very happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Albena Jordanova is Keynote Speaker at the NeuroDoWo 2022 in Cologne. Prof. Jordanova works at the Vlaams Institute voor Biotechnologie in Antwerp, Belgium on heritable neurodegenerative diseases. Using bioinformatics methods, she was able to identify a mutation that causes Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in 2012. She is now working on the identification of the functions of that gene using model organisms.


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